The Ixchel System®    



Meet Henry Tang

I qualified as a practitioner in holistic massage in 2007 and then went on to study for a diploma in Advanced Clinical and Sports Massage with the Jing Institute of Massage & Complementary Medicine in Brighton between 2008 and 2012. It was through the discovery of the power of remedial massage to help people who were not getting satisfactory results from the mainstream health system in the build up to the diploma course that made me realise that this was the new career for me! The massage diploma from the Jing Institute is currently the highest recognised level of massage qualification currently available in the UK. Since qualifying, all aspects of remedial massage and results oriented hands-on bodywork has been a passion of mine, utilising and seeking out the best available related techniques to help my clients alleviate and ultimately where possible, resolve their chronic soft tissue related pain and movement restriction issues.

Despite being able to get good long term results or results that are generally longer lasting for many of my clients over the years through clinical massage, there has always been a significant number who relapsed quickly or made slower progress than others. It was through the discovery of the Get Into Your Body methodology that it became clear to me why this was so. The fact that it seemed like this methodology was so unique and that no one else that I was aware of was offering anything remotely like this. It was this empowerment of a layperson to self-asses and self-correct their own postural alignment and joint movement patterns in order to navigate out of physical and emotional pain into holistic wellness that ignited the call for me to become a practitioner and facilitator of this profound and highly pragmatic system of self healing.

Henry Tang