Meet Keren Morris

I’m Keren Morris and I feel very humbled and grateful to be one of the first Ixchel Trainee Practitioners. I first discovered Ixchel when I was in a lot of pain in my back, having pulled it badly. I had been completely unable to sleep or function at all for several days, but in a matter of literally a few minutes working online with Victoria, something shifted! I went to bed shortly after our session and was utterly gob-smacked to discover I slept right through the night and woke with absolutely no pain at all!

I specialise in working with horses and riders, so this work fascinates me on another level too. I have studied horses all of my life, so have become pretty skilled at helping them to be empowered, happy and free within their bodies and minds, but through Ixchel I am beginning to understand more and more how to help riders to feel the same level of freedom, comfort, joy and balance in their bodies too. It is an incredible thing to be able to help someone to feel better as they stand on their own two feet, but there’s also something very magical about helping a horse and rider to dance happily together wink

My husband and I are working towards creating a wellness retreat at our farm in Northwest England, where I plan to offer regular introductory sessions to Ixchel as part of each retreat.

Thank you so much Victoria, for teaching this incredible method of giving people their power back and taking their pain away; it’s such an amazing thing and I am so glad to be a part of it 

Keren Morris