our client stories...
It is our job to show you how to break free from your chronic pain, but why not hear it from just a few of the many people that have achieved this with us?
Gemma's journey of debilitating back pain to emotional and physical healing
After trying everything, Holly worked with Manuela (trainee practitioner) and finally felt empowered in relieving her chronic pain
Isabel finds connection within her body and bones in a way she never has before

"I was just looking for some pain relief for my carpel tunnel but I got so much more. As well as hands-on treatment, I have learnt a daily practise to help me with stress, good posture, how to prevent the pain in the first place, and a knowledge of my body that I had never come across before which gave me many´aha!' moments."
Ruth T.

"I felt an instant difference in my lower back just by consciously ensuring my second toes were at 12 o'clock and feet true hip-width distance apart! I was able to ride the Metro with Much less lower back pain. I feel like I'm walking pigeon-toed and knock-kneed, but I'm not. I just might be walking and standing correctly for the first time."

"I just have to tell you what a game changer that exercise was for my ribcage. It has translated throughout all aspects of my life. I realised I was never breathing properly!! Now I am breathing up instead of out and the stiffness and rigidity of my chest has just gone away."
Yanushka finally learnt how to treat the cause of 25 years of back pain, and no longer has to treat the symptoms
'Hurting yourself with the way you walk'... Christi learnt how to manage her genetic condition using the Get Into Your Body Methodology

"I was just looking for some pain relief for my carpel tunnel but I got so much more. As well as hands-on treatment, I have learnt a daily practise to help me with stress, good posture, how to prevent the pain in the first place, and a knowledge of my body that I had never come across before which gave me many´aha!' moments."
Ruth T.

a person

"I just have to tell you what a game changer that exercise was for my ribcage. It has translated throughout all aspects of my life. I realised I was never breathing properly!! Now I am breathing up instead of out and the stiffness and rigidity of my chest has just gone away."
Trainee Practitioner, Naomi, shares how the Get Into Your Body methodology has helped her to use her body to it's full potential
Ellen overcame her resistance to changing her posture, and can now stand for hours without back and shoulder pain
Manuela used small moments to free herself from chronic leg pain, now she feels strong, balanced and supported in her life
Alice believed she would have knee pain for the rest of her life, until she learnt how to use her body
Fabianne has raised her body awareness, and helped to reduce pain from MS
Julie took responsibility for her alignment, and healed her achilles injury
Hear why Fred thinks Victoria is the best person he's ever met (almost!)
...Look out for more client stories coming soon!
Gemma's Story:
Emily's Story:
Isabelle's Story:

"I was just looking for some pain relief for my carpel tunnel but I got so much more. As well as hands-on treatment, I have learnt a daily practise to help me with stress, good posture, how to prevent the pain in the first place, and a knowledge of my body that I had never come across before which gave me many´aha!' moments."
Ruth T.

A Person.

"I was just looking for some pain relief for my carpel tunnel but I got so much more. As well as hands-on treatment, I have learnt a daily practise to help me with stress, good posture, how to prevent the pain in the first place, and a knowledge of my body that I had never come across before which gave me many´aha!' moments."
Ruth T.

"The Ixchel system has already helped me massively and to be able to take my therapy clients through the system and help them make significant improvements to their lives is such a gift. It helped me and I gained more awareness of my body and I want other people to benefit from it."
Yanushka B.

"I just have to tell you what a game changer that exercise was for my ribcage. It has translated throughout all aspects of my life. I realised I was never breathing properly!! Now I am breathing up instead of out and the stiffness and rigidity of my chest has just gone away."