Join The Ixchel Community®    

Weekly drop-in sessions and virtual

community – just £25 per month  

Sign Up Now


 Join The Ixchel Community®

Weekly drop-in sessions and virtual

community – just £25 per month  

Sign Up Now

We have created The Ixchel Community to offer those who have completed Get Into Your Body Level 1 the opportunity to access regular, guided practices and check-ins supported by our practitioners.

For just £25 per month, your community membership includes:

  • Private WhatsApp group to receive updates from the community and connect with
  • Weekly Check-Ins and refresher sessions via Zoom for mindful and biomechanic self-assessment of your body
  • Fortnightly Q&As to explore any questions about The Ixchel System as a group
  • Private Facebook Group where we will share all the recordings of the weekly sessions, so you can take part in your own time
join the community now
  • The Ixchel System

    I was just looking for some pain relief for my carpel tunnel but I got
    so much more. As well as hands-on treatment, I have learnt a daily
    practise to help me with stress, good posture, how to prevent the
    pain in the first place, and a knowledge of my body that I had never
    come across before which gave me many´aha!' moments.

    Ruth T. ,

  • The Ixchel System

    The Ixchel system has already helped me massively and to be able to take my therapy clients through the system and help them make significant improvements to their lives is such a gift. It helped me and I gained more awareness of my body and I want other people to benefit from it.

    Yanushka B. ,

  • The Ixchel System

    I just have to tell you what a game changer that exercise was for my ribcage. It has translated throughout all aspects of my life. I realised I was never breathing properly!! Now I am breathing up instead of out and the stiffness and rigidity of my chest has just gone away.

    Brit ,

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

Can I join the community if I haven‘t learnt The Ixchel System?

Our online community is only accessible to people once they enrol in our Get Into Your Body Level 1 course. This is because participation in the group sessions relies on knowledge of the Get Into Your Body methodology.

What if I can‘t make the live sessions, will I still get value?

All of our weekly live check-ins and drop-in classes are recorded, so if you are unable to join them live you can watch them and take part in your own time. If you get stuck on anything or have questions, you can reach out to our team of practitioners and your fellow community members in the WhatsApp group.

How is joining The Ixchel System community different to any other wellbeing practice?

We teach and support you to become the only practitioner you need to assess and realign your body, whilst being able to explore the process within a family of people self-generating, connection, engagement, good boundaries and balance. Living from your bones to support all aspects of your physical and e-motional health!