Revive Tribe - Spring Into Action Program

Revive Tribe - Spring Into Action   21st March - 6th June

Firstly, I want to acknowledge everyone who has taken part in Revive Tribe 2022 New Year Program.

We have launched into the New Year with focus, healing and transformation. 

I am wondering if you want join the Revive Tribe to create and generate something special and unique?

On 21st March, the Spring Equinox,  Revive Tribe - Spring Into Action will begin as we switch on the power to really get our worlds evolving !  You see, I believe with your Power of Connection and Vision, your journey has only just started.

I want you to have a project.  Anything from building something small, to creating your big vision for community in the real world, to a business enterprise.

On 21st March, the Spring Equinox, I would like to invite you to join me on this very special journey.

To help you on the way, you will have a 66 Day Daily Planner, to make sure you navigate what it takes to nurture your project and manifest it ready to flower in the summer!

66 Day Planner  Journey -   28th March - 1st June

There was a study by Phillippa Lally, a psychology researcher at University College London. It showed that on average it takes over 2 months to form new behaviours that become automatic - 66 days was the exact number. The study showed that there are variables depending on the new behaviour, the person and the circumstances. So it could actually be anywhere between 18 to 254 days. However, we are going to focus on what you can do in 66 days with a warm-up and cool-down period.

This process is about commitment and action large or small……..

Your Daily Planner will have a step by step guide to…..

Day 1 - 19 Clean Up Your Loose Ends and Environment

Day 20 - 25 Change your food from unhealthy to health (Essential Nutrition Check-In)

Day 26 - 34 Cleaning Up Your Boundaries

Day 35 - 43 Taking Regular Exercise

Day 49 - 55 Engaging in Extra Self-Care

Day 56 - 66 Connecting to Others

I want you to remember something……


This is what will create the result of your efforts……

So on the basis of states, as well as your 66 Day Planner, I will be popping up to help you explore your inner world, with some extra support which will look like this:

Workshop 1 - 21st March Monday - 7.30pm

PolyVagal Theory

What does Safe and Social Look Like?

What does Fight or Flight Look Like?

What does Shutdown Freeze Look Like?

How to rate your own nervous system

Ixchel DNA Module - Where does your nervous system get stuck?

Paralysis or lack of mobility to social ease and flow?

Workshop 2 - 2nd April  Saturday 


Your understanding of your nervous system reviewed

Everything you do or experience is impacted by how your nervous system responds so we will have another exploration of this……

Ixchel DNA - Paralysis or Lack Of Mobility to flow and connection with your source

12.05 - 1.30pm

The 5 energy depleting psychologies and how to identify which you have 

How does your personality get in the way?

Self-esteem and Safety issues 






2.15 - 3.45

Draw or write your plan

Ixchel DNA Module - Cocreator and creativity


Embodying your vision - Anchoring in 

Workshop 3  - Cleaning Up Your Boundaries - Monday 11th April 7.30pm

It’s time to prune and hone down exactly what serves your vision, people, places, things, what needs to stay or go?

How to be a boundary beast in order to create a container to implement your vision and project

What boundaries need to be in place to help your project happen?

Ixchel DNA Module - Creating Boundaries

Workshop 4 Becoming Present To Yourself - Monday 25th April - 

Engaging In Extra Self-Care

 Being more careful about your thoughts and where they take you….

*using something called the Halt Process to help you 

* using your project as a way to help you identify where your mind takes you and how to keep yourself carefully on course….

*looking at how to interrupt thought patterns and body responses that interfere

Ixchel DNA Module - Cocreator and creativity

Workshop 5- Your Inner Critic  - Monday 9th May - 7.30pm

Compare and Despair, Not enough happening?  When will the results kick in?  How will you maintain it?

We are going to look at how maintaining your enthusiasm and belief in yourself and your project is showing up for you.

Ixchel DNA Module - Releasing Your Inner Critic

Workshop 6    - Connecting to others- 23rd May

Relationships are important - with your project, how can it connect with others?

What stops you and what nurtures you to create relationships that are mutually beneficial for your project

How do you make sure you reserve enough time for yourself and monitor how much time you give or spend with others?

Ixchel DNA Module - Receiving

Workshop 7  - Monday 6th June - 7.30pm

In honour of our 66 Day theme, we will finish with workshop on the 6th of the 6th with a review and celebration of your journey.

This is a journey that is designed to bring consciousness to your passion and vision.  Within the group, you will have a mastermind of people to help support you to create something.

Even if you do not believe it to be possible, please give yourself permission to see your project happening!

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