Are you in Chronic Pain?

Are you reliant on pain relief medications?

Pain and inflammation management

What type of pain do you have?

What is causing your pain?

How do you reduce pain?

Are you well nourished?

Do you need supplements to heal?

Do you have bad digestion


Are you reliant on medications or meditations to help ease chronic pain? Perhaps you have tried endless other therapies from tai chi to herbs and yoga, in your pain management journey.You may be using heat or cold ice to ease your symptoms, in an attempt to avoid pain killers.

Have you found something that works in the short term and then your pain condition returns.

If this is the case, here is a health information page to help you with managing your relief from chronic pain or injury.

Pain and inflammation management

Pain and inflammation management is often sought through medication like pain killers, expensive physiotherapy, acupuncture or chiropractic treatment.

These can be essential treatments, however, over time you want to understand and learn how to ease pain without needing to rely on any long-term costly treatments or medication that has side effects.

What type of pain do you have?

If you have an acute injury, anti inflammatory drugs can help relieve the pain while your begin to heal.

However, if you have a pain condition that has built up over time, anti inflammatory drugs may only provide short term relief without resolving the underlying problem.


Please note that any information on this website is for information and educational purposes only. You must always speak with your doctor or other health professional to get medical advice before changing or coming off medication. Or if you have not yet seen a doctor, and you have serious pain or health condition, then please consult a doctor to investigate what is wrong.

All information and treatment programs on this website, are designed to complement your existing treatment. The treatments and programs have proven repeatedly positive results for clients and participants.

What is causing your pain?

You might have pain because:

  • you have an injury,
  • use your muscles and joints incorrectly,
  • or you have a disease that is causing the pain
  • intermittent health challenge

How do you reduce pain?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to reducing pain. For example, there are many different causes of lower back pain. This means that the way to reduce pain could be different for each person.

You need to consider:

Are you well nourished?

Managing pain is difficult if you do not have the right levels of nutrients.

If you have deficiencies it is likely that you are not able to heal or repair.

Do you need any supplements to heal?

Pain can automatically put you into Fight or Flight, this, in turn, can affect your digestion, and then you can't absorb vitamins and minerals easily.

A good way to identify if you are lacking nutrients is to use Systematic Kinesiology.

Believe it or not, every muscle group connects to a system in your body. If the muscle group is weak, then probably that system is weak.

For example, some of your neck muscles connect with your digestion, whilst some of your shoulder muscles connect to your immune system.

Each of these systems needs good levels of particular nutrients to work well. If these levels are not sufficient, it will impact your health.

Do you have bad digestion?

Even if you eat well, if you are unable to absorb or digest your food easily, you will not be able to absorb the correct level of nutrients to help relieve.

Your body needs to be able to rest and digest as an important part of any pain relief program.

Do you drink enough water?

The human body is between 60-70% water.

Many people are not drinking enough then your blood flow is not healthy and painful areas will always feel more inflamed.

Water reduces chronic pain by reducing acidity and taking toxins away from the painful areas, whilst bringing oxygen and energy to every area of your body. This is an essential process to ease inflammation.

If you see a person who does not drink enough water, their skin will be drier.

Do you have postural weaknesses?

Improving your posture can greatly help reduce joint pain and muscle tension.

However, simply pushing back your shoulders can make the pain worse and is not the way to control or manage pain from bad posture. Good posture begins with a solid foundation in your feet, and then checking that each joint in your skeleton is aligning correctly.

You can immediately begin learning to readjust your posture The Get Into Your Body Methodology Online Course or Live Workshops.

Do you have any understanding of your physical body?

In the Get Into Your Body Program, you will immediately begin to understand how to treat any area of pain with mobility techniques for every part of your body. You begin to take back control, releasing chronic pain areas, using this self treatment program.

This is an important therapy, where you begin to align and exercise your joints and muscles. Many people have found a byproduct of using the Get Into Your Body Program gives them pain relief, where medication had been unable to. This is because the program is focused on the cause of your pain, rather than the symptoms.

The Get Into Your Body Methodolgy is different to practices like Tai chi or Yoga, as it has a more medical aspect where you learn how to realign each joint and muscle in your body.

Correct movement is a natural medicine and can be fantastic pain management.

Do you get the right amount of sleep?

You must get enough sleep to manage your pain. It can be hard to relieve pain if you are not getting enough rest.

You will feel low and worn out when you are tired. It takes a lot of resilience to deal with chronic pain, so if you can't sleep it is important to understand why your body is not able to switch off so you can fix the problem.

We help you do this in the Essential Nutrition Program, where you learn what nutrients you need to help your mind calm down and switch off.

Do you suffer from stress overload?

When you talk to people do you hear yourself mentioning how you feel stressed or tired all the time? Perhaps you get irritable or overwhelmed a lot.

Good practices or treatments for calming stress will support your nervous system to help reduce physical tension.

Breathing is very important to help regulate your body.

However, some breathing practices can actually create more stress in the body if they are forced.

Stress overload can trigger the Cell Danger Response, and this gets your body thinking levels of stress that are harmful, are normal and necessary to protect you.

Exercise like yoga, meditation, massage and relaxation are important to help you to turn off this response.

The Ixchel DNA Pain Relief System is also designed to help you to resolve emotional and mental stress that can also become physical pain and fatigue.

Do you know how to manage your stress?

We look at this in the Relief Program and the Spring Into Action Program.

If your body feels exhaustion and fatigue, it is far harder to reduce chronic pain. It is fundamental to your health, to be able to support relaxation. Sometimes to be able to talk about your situation can help, or get a nice massage, however, treatments or talk therapies are not always the answer.

You need helpful tools for resolving chronic pain that you can use 24 hours a day, to support you to release tension, so that stress does not get stuck in your body.

The techniques in these programs are not medications your medical doctor will include in your treatment. To improve your quality of life, physical therapy is never enough.

You are going to have to implement exercise for your mind as well as your body.

Even if you have a health challenge, like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), ME, Irritibable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), or any other health challenge, it is essential that you learn how your autonomic nervous system is impacting your condition and what to do about it.

You can't learn how to reduce chronic pain by getting massages or acupuncture or using heat or cold treatment. You need to figure out how your body works and what makes the pain go away on your own.

Do you need Physical Therapy?

Therapy such as massage therapy or medical acupuncture practices can help to manage and reduce chronic pain. Touch therapy can help to stimulate a sense of warmth and safety, which allows your body to access its rest and digest state.

Mental and Emotional Talking therapy can also be important to help treat pain. To offload or process emotional tension that your physical body is holding can be essential for tension release and relaxation.

This can seem too simple to be able to treat pain, however, long-term emotional stress is a major cause of physical illness or chronic pain.

The Revive Tribe Program is a process designed to help you relieve emotional stress with various techniques including daily movement and mindfulness exercises.

Repetitive Strain - the way you regularly use your body

Exercise is so important. Yet when you are in pain and your muscles or joints hurt, it can be very difficult to move parts of your body. This can have a huge impact on your general health, your energy levels, and your weight.

Your physical energy will deplete if you have:

  • side effects from medication
  • emotional tension from relationships in any area of your life
  • traumatic events and memories

All of the above can help to create pain in your body.

Giving these areas attention, and resolving the overload they cause you, can therefore help to reduce pain.

Calming The Nervous System

If you want to calm your nervous system you need to take time to regulate your body using your breath and movement.

Your nervous system is responsible for transmitting messages between your brain and your body.

It also plays a role in the fight-or-flight response, which is the body's natural reaction to stress or danger.

If you have chronic pain, it's likely that your nervous system is in a state of high alert.


You need a well-being program

After 25 years of working one-to-one with clients, it is clear that as a whole person made up of different systems, you need more than one type of pain relief treatment.

You also need guidance on the structure, pace, and integration of the different aspects of your pain management and recovery journey.

What is The Ixchel System?

The Ixchel System incorporates different courses and programs specifically designed to hold your hand and show you the way.

These tried and tested formulas, will give you the confidence, support and guidance to begin to feel relief from pain.

The groundbreaking aspect of The Ixchel System, is that you are going to learn to relieve pain for yourself. You will understand how you created the pain, and a lot of the guidance will be delivered to your inbox.

So whether you have back pain, arthritis, or a headache, or whether you have a doctor and are currently on lots of medicine, you are going to begin to learn to reduce your inflammation and relax your body.

I hope the health information on this page can help you towards the type of physical therapy that will move your body out of pain and away from side effects of medications.

Ultimately, unless you have had an injury, any disease or health challenge you have will have been caused or be side effects of something in your body, relationships or environment.

With the help of the courses, programs and one-to-one sessions, The Ixchel System will complement whatever treatment your doctor has recommended.


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